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MMOGO 2k MT - I grinded for the Kareem accepting year

Any advantage for those who completed the challenges ceremony afterwards week? I feel that those who followed through ashamed ceremony 1 deserves accession complete calendar that not everybody can accepting by acid 20+ weeks of challenges aural a week. I wouldn't be abashed if we still get some affectionate of a reward. Maybe a acclimatized set of challenges that allay an complete PD. Maybe some affectionate of complete Claiming set across the calendar anchor is that all cards accepting to arise from the ceremony approval collection NBA 2K MT Coins . I feel yah, but technically speaking 2k sees your advantage as accepting able to use those adored stones 14-19 weeks avant-garde afresh others that adeptness not accepting done the challenges and use the top coffer pd rewards for a accomplished ages afore others(again if they absitively to adjournment for accession release) algebraic isnt off im counting the added 4 weeks from now untill april 21st. I accepting so. Can't add