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Showing posts with the label Path Of Exile

Some quick thoughts on Diablo 4

After about 140 hours, some quick thoughts. Over 20,000 hours in PoE , about 140 hours or so in Diablo 4 . Just a quick list:  Good: - Good story. - Hunt for loot. - Classes feel unique, skills have an impact. - Smooth progression curve. - Some grumpy components (definitely like this as someone has a lot of free time, this might be negative for some). - Ability to skip campaign/increase alts/friends. - The entire Lost Ark-esque pseudo ARPG/MMO adds an extra layer of content. Bad: - Combat is too focused on whether you are CC immune or not (especially in WT4). - Low monster density. - Dungeon target. - The seal must apply to any dungeon; travel suck. - The skill/pattern tree doesn't give much freedom. - The builds are mostly spoon-fed by the developers. That being said, a few simple changes should contribute to making the game even more enjoyable: - No need to re-login to reset the dungeon. Add a reset button. - Improved monster density. - Rebalanced the number of experience packs g

Path Of Exile: How to improve my farming strategy

Can anyone offer suggestions on how to improve my farming strategy or suggest a new one for the purpose of farming a Mage as a limited game timer? I've been a fairly casual player of this game for a while. I started playing in the Heist league when I was in college and had a lot of free time. I had a lot of fun with the game, but took a long break in Ultimatum because real life was so busy. I went back in the second half of Sanctum and saw how much things have changed since my last match. After seeing people talking about the quality of Mageblood, I wanted to try and own it, but it was a bit expensive for me. I tried my best to accumulate enough money in Sanctum, but I started too late and was always trying to learn all the new things, so unfortunately I failed miserably. A few months ago, I was able to get a new job after being unemployed. While this is great news, it means I can't play much anymore. I can only play for about 2-3 hours on weekdays, but I can play a bit more on