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Showing posts with the label D2R

D2R: Wishlist for Updates

I thought it would be interesting to find out what other people would like to see in D2R . I'd like to try some things. I'm certain that many of these aren't new, but they're items I often think about. There is no specific arrangement: 1. Ability to toggle minimaps and/or item name display that stays on until turned off (even when you join new games or logging in). 2. Stacking runes and gems from your stash. 3. Currency tab/pouch to store gems, runes, gold. 4. Key Ring (a display you could turn on, for instance on your belt slots) to display how many key functions you've left. 5. Capacity to modify the ai of mercenary (for instance, making melee mercs defensive instead of chasing objects to take out). 6. Ability to immediately jump into the shops, without having to choose between dialog (perhaps change it to the toggle, and it will always behave as if the NPC is in quest). 7. larger/more stash tabs, so we don't need to make a lot of mules. 8. Some sort of recipe