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More youthful Generations and Madden Rant

Subsequent to being on Madden reddit for two or three days I have seen an example arise and Its actual alarming. Kids today dont know how to suck at a computer game. I see many posts concerning how this game sucks and on the off chance that you talk regarding how to not make it suck you get called an "EA brown-nose". Madden is a football recreation game. There will be times you dont win. That doesn't mean the game sucks. It implies you suck. However, only for that game. You really do realize you can play again and attempt not suck and perhaps win. Furthermore I mean by sucking that they dont appear to need to improve. I know when I previously played madden I was horrendous in light of the fact that I didn't comprehend the sport of football. Then, at that point, the more I watch and played the more I comprehended. Assuming I suck at a game, and I will not improve at it, that isn't the games shortcoming. I see posts like "Why I cannot toss the ball profound any