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Showing posts with the label Darker gold

What is the rationale behind the high roller entry fee

What is the rationale behind the high roller entry fee? During my initial experience with playtest 3, my impression of the high roller entry fee was one of anticipation, almost like entering a high-stakes game mode. However, upon playing high roller, I encountered empty lobbies, lobbies filled with inexperienced players, or a few exceptionally skilled teams dominating a region, leaving limited options. In contrast, normal lobbies were often dominated by well-equipped groups. As someone who frequently participates in high roller lobbies, it became apparent that you encounter more skilled players in normal lobbies than in high roller ones. This seems counterintuitive and problematic. There are likely several reasons why well-equipped players prefer normal lobbies: 1, Easy victories and the satisfaction of overpowering less-equipped players. 2, Efficient gold farming, as it's safer and easier in normal lobbies due to the entry fee and lower risk. 3, The desire to fine-tune team dynami