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Skull and Bones PvP: Addressing Concerns and Suggesting Improvements

Venturing into the realm of player versus player (PvP) combat within Skull and Bones has brought to light several significant issues that warrant attention and discussion. As avid sailors navigate the turbulent waters of combat, certain aspects of the PvP experience have proven to be less than ideal, prompting calls for refinement and adjustment.

Skull and Bones PvP

1, Expanding Safe Zones: A glaring concern arises with the size of safe areas around outposts, particularly when players are flagged for PvP. The current parameters leave sailors vulnerable during the transition from outpost to open waters, as evidenced by instances of ambushes occurring mid-cutscene. Expanding the safe zone around outposts would mitigate this issue, ensuring players have a fair chance to prepare before entering potential combat zones.

2, Streamlining Set Sail Cutscene: The lengthy set sail cutscene presents an unnecessary obstacle in the heat of PvP encounters. Whether engaged in combat or not, the prolonged cinematic detracts from the immediacy of gameplay and leaves players exposed to attack without recourse. Streamlining or removing this cutscene entirely would alleviate frustrations and maintain the flow of combat engagements.

3, Implementing Respawn Invulnerability: Respawn mechanics lack the standard period of invulnerability found in many multiplayer games, leaving players vulnerable to immediate retaliation upon reentry into the fray. Introducing a brief period of invulnerability upon respawn would afford players the opportunity to reassess their surroundings and respond accordingly, promoting fairer and more strategic gameplay.

4, Retaining Food Upon Death: The current system of dropping provisions upon death, including food items crucial for maintaining stamina, presents a hindrance to players' ability to navigate and engage in combat effectively upon respawn. Retaining food upon death would ensure players have the necessary resources to engage in prolonged engagements or make strategic retreats without unnecessary handicaps.

5, Automatic Flag Removal at Severe Damage Levels: The issue of spawn camping and persistent PvP harassment calls for innovative solutions, one of which includes automatic removal of the PvP flag upon reaching a certain severe damage threshold. This would afford players the opportunity to regroup, repair, and reassess their PvP engagement without fear of continuous harassment.

Additionally, while slightly diverging from the PvP discussion, the imbalance observed in the Caravan of Coin event, particularly regarding the excessive use of mortars by AI ships, warrants attention. Adjusting the frequency and potency of AI ship attacks would ensure a more balanced and enjoyable event experience for players.

In considering potential improvements to Skull and Bones PvP, one suggestion echoes the approach taken by Diablo 4, wherein entering a PvP area results in stat reduction and increased damage resistance for all participants. This leveling of the playing field emphasizes skill and strategy over raw power, fostering a more balanced and engaging PvP environment.

In conclusion, addressing these concerns and implementing suggested improvements would elevate the Skull and Bones PvP experience, fostering a more dynamic, fair, and enjoyable gameplay environment for all sailors brave enough to navigate the treacherous waters of PvP combat.

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